Contact us

Green Lakes Pressing

Antanas, Founder, CEO: 


Phone: +370 611 59862

Armin, Head of sales Germany 


Phone: +49 (0) 1722 516313

Company details:

UAB Creative Industries 

ID code: 302908877
VAT code: LT100007358113
Address: Popieriaus 15-5, Vilnius
Bank: AB Siauliu Bankas
Account Nr: LT78 7189 9000 5146 7168

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    At Green Lakes Pressing, we focus on sustainable, eco-friendly production. Hence, we sort, recycle, and reuse materials to cut waste in production. We work with partners and suppliers who share our values. With us you can choose to press on 100% recycled vinyl or bio-vinyl, print on recycled paper with plant-based inks, and seal your records in biofilm.